Going grey?...Who can go grey and who has to work a little harder?

Do you have coolskin tone or is it warm?

Once you know this - you will know whether you can go grey without having to work too hard at bringing the life back.

Cool skin tones look fabulous with white grey, light grey, salt and pepper or charcoal hair where as warm skin tones look best with warm blonde, strawberry blonde, copper and caramel high lighted and low lighted through.

But if you have warm skin tone and you choose to still become completely grey, feel free as there is always a way to balance every choice we make (it is never just black and white - there is always a grey area).

Losing colour in your hair doesn't mean you all of a sudden have to look old, it just means that you may need to pop a little more colour elsewhere - lipstick does wonders for lifting grey hair.

You see here's the thing.

Our hair covers the majority of our focus area (from our chest up to the top of our head), with our skin coming in at a very close second. Our main focus area is the part of us that people spend the most time looking at (sitting down having coffee and even just standing up face to face chatting) so it does make it the main dominant colour rather than just an accent and our natural lips and eyes are accents in proportion to our hair.

If you have warm skin tone and you choose to go grey, your best lip colours involve a punch of orange.

Not a pure light or bright orange lip colour on its own but a lip colour that has been mixed with orange more so - like coral or peach spice for instance.

Another tip for those who go completely grey is to wear much stronger prints rather than the softer sweeter florals.

Anything that Great Gran used to wear needs to be left on the shelf so to speak.

Hair colour really does change the way our wardrobes function, our outfits look and the impression we make.

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